Progress Update 19-07-2021

It has been a while since the last game update. Since we have a son, I of course have less time to work on it, because I am a stay at home dad now. And to be honest I have been occupied with gaming more than with programming lately. But I am planning to block out some time to work on Supply Chain Tycoon. How it will look exactly I don’t know, but that is something I will think about in the coming weeks. My wife and I are living in Suriname for two years now, and we had planned to go to our family in the Netherlands in April 2020, but unfortunately due to Covid-19 that trip was cancelled. But luckily it now like we will be going in August now, so that has the priority for now. I will probably still work on the game sometimes, but not on a schedule. I will however think about a consistent and maintainable schedule in that time, which I will then implement after we are back in Suriname. When I have thought out that schedule, I will let you know. 

For now I will tell some things about the update. The most noticeable being, that the map/level has been changed. I have been working on a level-editor, which I was thinking of releasing. But I have put that on the side now, because I think it is more important to have one good map, with more worked out game mechanics, than to have the ability to make a lot of maps (when the game mechanics haven’t all been implemented yet). But maybe I will pick that up in the future.

Another thing that has been changed, is that I have replaced the vehicles I had, with the vehicles that come with the asset packs I am using for the rest of the game, so the styles match. With that I have also updated the UI when buying a vehicle, you can now see how the vehicle will look, before you buy it. Speaking of UI, there now is a pause menu where you can save the game, go back to the main menu etc. It is a small thing, but I think it is better this way, and now it also pauses the game, so you can take a break if you need it.

Another small thing, which I think is a nice addition, is that the sun now moves with the time. It will snap back when the day changes, but in the future there will be an end-of-day screen, so that it makes more sense.

Then there are two bigger game mechanics which I have started to implement. The first one is that I have added a bank, where you can take loans. This is to help you, if you want to buy a bigger vehicle faster, but of course it will cost interest, so it is up to you if you want to take it.

The second bigger thing, and final thing I will talk about, is the possibility to buy extra properties. When you now start, you won’t have the ability to buy extra vehicles or to hire personnel. To open that possibility you will have to buy a office and garage with parking spaces. For now this is one combined building, but there will be more variations later. 

There will be some smaller things, which I might have forgotten about now, but those were the main changes for this update. I hope you will all like the new update, and let me know if you have comments.


Have fun!

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Jul 19, 2021

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